Working papers

  • Gendered patterns of electoral fraud: Evidence from Pakistan's 2013 election

    • Conferences: Gender-based violence workshop (Stanford University 2023)

  • “Unintended Consequences of Gender Segregation: Election Administration and Women’s Turnout” formerly titled, “Roadblocks remain: constraints to women’s political participation in Pakistan” (with Sarah Thompson)

  • “Capital investments and political participation: Evidence from agricultural investments in rural India”

    • Conferences: MPSA 2022

  • “Measuring women’s political empowerment in rural India” (with Nivedita Narain and Soledad Prillaman)

    • Conferences: APSA 2022

  • “Women’s labor force participation and political empowerment”

    • Conferences: MPSA 2023

Work in progress

  • “Equitable gender attitudes and women’s autonomy in Pakistan” (dissertation prospectus, defended in June 2022)

  • “Mobilizing Women’s Political Interest and Engagement in Pakistan through Role Models” (with Ali Cheema, Sarah Khan, Shandana Khan Mohmand, and Soledad Artiz Prillaman)

Other writing